Are You Traveling with a Pet ?
Unfortunately, we do not allow travellers to rent our Cabins if they have a pet travelling with them.
Renting a Powered or Unpowered site?
If you have your own Caravan or Tent we will permit you to bring your pet with you in our LOW season only.
We have very strict rules , and these rules must be followed at all times.
You must declare that you have a pet travelling with you when you ring or contact us PRIOR to booking in.
A declaration form is to be filled out at the office on your arrival.
. 1) We do not accept pets during the NSW School holidays, through the Christmas period, Easter School holidays or long weekends.
2) Dogs and Cats must be leashed at all times whilst in the park. We have native lizards in abundance in the park during the warmer months. If the dog spots these they tend to chase and kill them. We will not tolerate tenants who wont keep their dog on a leash.
3) Any "mess" is to be cleaned up immediately and put into a plastic bag before being placed in the bin.
4) Dogs are not allowed to bark constantly.
5) If you leave the park, for whatever reason, your pet must go with you. No pet is allowed to remain at the park unattended at any time.
6) Pets are not allowed to be taken into the Amenities building, Laundry, Kiosk or Pool area.
You will be asked to leave if you break any of the above rules.